A number of software programs are used to help the students learn and apply the technology and business topics that are covered in class.  Some examples include:

Microsoft Office:
Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, and Access.

Microtype Pro:
Teaches the home row keyboarding method.

AES Curriculum Viewer:
IT Center 21 is an interactive student paced learning module.  It covers a variety topics including business management, computer research, and presentations.

Major League Baseball Team Addresses - Click Logo


Article Review 3 - Spyware.doc Article Review 3 - Spyware.doc
Size : 32 Kb
Type : doc

Career Cluster Infomation: http://breitlinks.com/careers/career_clusters.htm
Financial Literacy Series:

Monkey Bars No More: Trying the Money Playground - by Larry Abramson
Take out a sheet a paper, write name, WS#, period # and date. Listen to the story below and write a one paragraph summary of the story.  Include your thoughts if you would like to participate in an exercise like this.  Also what do you think the purpose of the "real life" simulation.  Finally, what do you think the students learned from participating and will it influence their financial decisions later in life.
Money Quiz - Test Your Financial Knowledge
Take out a sheet a paper, write name, WS#, period # and date.  Number from 1- 12 and have two columns.  One column - MY ANSWER. Second Column - Correct Answer
Take Money Quiz and record answers.


Click below to link for Internet Terms Dictionary:



Click on Hyperlink below to take you to Fortune 500 List

Double Click and Read Article Below to prepare for Accounting and Microsoft Excel Units.

A Brief History of Spreadsheets.doc A Brief History of Spreadsheets.doc
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Click Here to go to list of NCAA List of Division 1 Colleges:


Course Description:      The eighth grade Business & Computer Science course offers hands on experience to teach students the fundamentals of a computer workstation, development of basic keyboarding skills, and various uses of computer application programs.  The fundamental of economic, business, and information systems are also introduced as well as the identification of the use of computers in a variety of careers will be presented.

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify and describe computer components and their functions.
  2. Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques
  3. Identify basic components of and utilize integrated business office programs.
  4. Identify use of computers in a variety of careers.
  5. Identify the fundamentals of Internet safety, business principles, and information systems.


 Click below to open or save the 8th Grade Course Syllabus.

Course Syllabus8 - 2010.doc Course Syllabus8 - 2010.doc
Size : 44.5 Kb
Type : doc

Students complete several exciting projects to demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of class material.  Some Examples include:

  1. Study of creation of Microsoft and Apple Computer.
  2. Creation of Business Brochures
  3. Creation of Website for a College.
  4. Team Project that includes promotion, presentations, and integrates the many topics covered during the course. 

  As part of the class the TV movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley is shown.  This is a classroom edited version of the original TNT movie which chronicles the creation of Microsoft by Bill Gates and Apple Computer by Steve Jobs.